Big Dreamin’
Sometimes when people tell me to dream big, I often think about businesses that are just a bad idea. The individuals who try one thing after another – or only obsessively try one thing – who never really succeed cause me to scratch my head.
How come we can dream big dreams but so many of them simply never come true? And why is it that when we have a bad idea for a business, we can’t see how terrible it is until we are too spent to continue?
I don’t have the answers to these questions. Mostly they are musings I have when I watch T.V. shows like Dragons Den or Shark Tank.
I do applaud the people who are willing to try, however. It takes a lot of effort and courage to keep working to make dreams reality. I think that life is somewhat wasted when we get stuck in our comfortable, familiar routines and start making excuses for why we can’t do something – “I’m too old” or “I don’t have time” or “I don’t know who to get started” – are all familiar reasons we don’t try new things.
Dreams can be evolving creatures. I certainly want different things now than I did as a child. But some of those dreams are the same – maybe I should finally learn to play the guitar – and it seems that the faster this world goes, the harder it is to remember what we used to want when we were young and go back to living with part of the reckless abandon that used to be in all of us when dreams were only limited by our imagination.
Even if the dreams have changed, I certainly hope the power and drive to pursue them is still there. I think a life is not well lived without some hope for something new, something better, something different.